For citation: Melikova I., Gerasimova A. ‘Women’s issue’ in the magazine ‘Women’s friend’ (1882–1884) // Mediascope. 2024.2. Available at:
For citation: Melikova I., Gerasimova A. ‘Women’s friend’ – first feministic socio-literary magazine published by a woman (1882-1884) // Mediascope. 2024. 1. Available at:
For citation: Frolova N. Problems of civilian peasant labor in journalistic works of A. Druzhinin and A. Fet // Mediascope. 2024. 1. Available at:
For citation: Surnina I. Business press in Russia: protectionism and free trade (Russian customs legislation of the mid-nineteenth century) // Mediascope. 2023. 4. Available at:
For citation: Alekseev K. Leningrad magazine “Spartak” as one of the leading sports publications of the USSR in the 1920–1930s. // Mediascope. 2023. 1. Available at:
For citation: Kornilova E. Bul’chuk M. Enlightenment criticism of romantic tendencies in Byron’s work in ‘The Edinburgh Review’ // Mediascope. 2022. 3-4. Available at:
For citation: Mazurov A. Perception of Gogol’s art in feuilletons by F. Volkhovsky in ‘Sibirskaya gazeta’ // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Availableat:
For citation: Babyuk M.Organizational aspects of the telegraph agency system in the first decade of Soviet power // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at: