For citation: Smirnov S.S. (2016) Novyy etap normativnogo formirovaniya identichnosti rossiyskoy mediaindustrii [Identity of the Russian Media Industry: a New Stage of Its Normativ Formation]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Sergey S. Smirnov
PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The paper presents the results of a study into three domestic economic classifications: OKONH, OKVED 1 and OKVED 2. It reveals the historical dynamic of the legal establishment of the media industry as an independent part of national economy. The author has found that at the beginning Russian standards bodies did not consider this branch to be an identical aggregate. In OKONH in 1976 (revised in 2000) and OKVED 1 in 2001 (revised in 2007), media activities were relegated to altogether different parts of the economy. It was not until 2014 that the media industry was formally defined in the frames of OKVED 2. At long last, the state classification came to include Section J. “Activities in the Field of Information and Communication” that brought together the publishing industry, television and radio broadcasting and businesses referring to the Internet, content production, computer programs production and telecoms. Quantitative progress is also evident: the total number of media activities in OKONH was only 16, in OKVED 1 this number grew to 35, while in OKVED 2 to as many as 42. As a result, the Russian legal framework has been enriched with new up-to-date activity markings.
In the course of a comparative analysis of statutory enactments, not only the main achievements in the official formation of branch identity but some unsolved problems and controversial issues have been identified. In particular, the author found that so far advertising and photographic activity are not officially recognized as parts of the media industry. At the moment, it is also unclear in what way the transition from OKVED 1 to OKVED 2 is likely to occur and what is the risk of statistical confusion. However, the new classification is undoubtedly a helpful source of professional terminology for specialists. It also provides additional assistance in searching, identifying and selecting, for research purposes, the market subjects within Russia’s jurisdiction.
Keywords: media industry, classification, activity, code, identification, enterprise, statistics
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