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Representation of History in post-modern cultural texts: an attempt of systematization

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For citation: Solovieva D. Representation of History in post-modern cultural texts: an attempt of systematization// Mediascope. 2023. 4. Available at:


© Solovyova Diana Yurievna
expert in educational and methodological work, Educational Department of Journalism Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article analyzes the main representation forms of historical knowledge in modern foreign literature and media. The analysis uses cultural texts, including artistic (literary and cinematic) works and media texts, in which modern cultural features, particularly the poetics of postmodernism, are vividly manifested.

Several fundamental techniques used by authors of historical representations are considered: the replacement of rationalistic methods of understanding history with artistic techniques, the appearance of various author's versions of history, the construction of alternative versions, and the composition of completely fictional accounts.

Subjectivisation of historical knowledge results in the appearance of different versions of history. The radical form of the processes described is the creation of a completely fictional narrative that only imitates the real one. The construction of alternative narratives serves to actualize the problems of modern society. In addition, historical discussions in today’s information space cover topical (particularly ethical) problems.

Finally, the article raises the important question of separating such methods of handling historical information as the artistic device and the means of mass information that has a real impact on its participants. Elements of artistic postmodern techniques are now used not only by writers, but also by researchers, journalists, bloggers, and other content creators.


Key words: historical representations, public History, new historicism, post-modern literature, historical issues in the media



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