For citation: Jang Zhi. Journalism of the second decade of the XXI century in the studies of Russian and Belarusian scientists: problems and alternatives // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2021.8
© Jang Zhi
PhD in Philological Sciences, professor at the Institute of Journalism and communications, Henan University (China), PhD student at the Faculty of Journalism, BSU,
In a situation of super–accelerated transformation of the media sphere, its consistent structuring – analysis and synthesis, empiricism and conceptuality - is not just urgent, it is existentially necessary. Otherwise, producers and consumers of content risk getting lost in the chaos of information and media innovations, which will eventually mean that humanity will lose control over itself. It is against this critical background that a voluminous list of problems of modern journalism identified by researchers arises and certain ways of solving them are proposed.
The article can be characterized as an analytical review: in the history (journalism, in particular), the decade 2010-2020 finished, the time for its comprehension has come: it is necessary for both practitioners and theorists, and those who are just entering the profession, and those who train future journalists.
The comparison of the materials of two national schools of media studies, Russian and Belarusian, provides an opportunity for a voluminous, enlarged view of the problems of the information field. This is the reason to assume the universal (global) nature of the emerging media situation and predict joint efforts to positively transform it, primarily in legal initiatives and training of future journalists.
From the point of view of continuity, the article continues the experience of Russian colleagues in summarizing the history of research of their own media (Zagidullina, 2010, Dunas, 2016, Makeenko, 2017), initiates the corresponding Belarusian experience and assumes in the future the comparative inclusion of the Chinese experience.
Keywords: journalism, communication, media research, transformation of media, informative community
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