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Advertising and PR communications: criteria of confine

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For citation: Rafikov A. Advertising and PR communications: criteria of confine // Mediascope. 2021. Issue. 1. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2021.8


@ Arthur I. Rafikov

Phd student at the Chair of Public Relations in Politics and Public administration, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),


The article is an integral part of a comprehensive study on the functioning of advertising communications in the political sphere. The purpose of the article is to differentiate advertising and PR communications. By means of comparative analysis, the key differences between the studied communications are considered. The author has proposed six criteria for distinguishing advertising and PR communications: the criterion of the conditions for communication (paid or free), the timing criterion, the criterion of the purpose of communication, the criterion of the audience of communication, as well as informational and textual criteria. Under the definition of ‘Advertising information’, the author suggests ‘a type of suggestive (influencing) social information distributed both on a paid and free basis on the initiative of the advertiser or an actor (actors) interested in this in order to have a communicative impact on the selected audience through the presentation of a product (or service) and to encourage the commission of a targeted action." It is also concluded that target and informational criteria have the determining value when distinguishing advertising and PR communications. The obtained research results allow us to further formulate the definition of ‘Advertising communications’.

Key words: advertising, advertising communications, advertising information



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