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Activities of Russian communicative agencies in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

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For citation: Muronets O.V., Serov I.V. Activities of Russian communicative agencies in the context of the Covid-2019 pandemic // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.9


Olga V. Muronets
PhD in Philology, Senior lecturer at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

Ivan V. Serov
Head of the Department of Internal PR of TeleTrade company (Moscow, Russia)



This article discusses how Russian communication agencies act in the face of uncertainty related to the Covid-19 pandemic. It examines how different types of communication agencies respond to stay-at-home order. The authors of the study reveal the effects of shifting to remote working, as well as consequences of temporary restriction on public meetings and events, the cancelation of projects for a number of agencies. Herewith the authors hypothesizes that technical equipment of the communication agencies allows them to be more adaptive to the changes resulting from ongoing coronavirus crisis.

The survey conducted as a part of the study that found out the differences in the agency's reaction to challenges issued by the current environment. In the list of main travails faced by entrepreneurship, there are dismissals of staff, slump and sales slowdown. The most dangerous trends and effects were spotted in out-of-home advertising and events agencies. The conducted survey is ranked among a number of similar ones, which were held from March to May 2020 by the Association of Russian Communications Agencies and Interactive Advertising Bureau Russia among advertising agencies only.

The article presents the opinions of entrepreneurs on the current situation in the communication business due to the pandemic.

Key words: communication agencies, stay-at-home order, Covid-19 pandemic, communication business, public relations




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