For citation: Kornilova K.S., Vlasova M.N. (2020) Sobytijnye kommunikacii v kul'turnyh institutah: opyt muzeev [Event Communications in Institutions of Culture: Experience of Museums]. Mediascope 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.8
@ Ksenija S. Kornilova
PhD in Philology, Researcher at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
@ Marina N. Vlasova
Graduate student at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article discusses the peculiarities of implementation of event communications in cultural institutions. The modern concept of the museum, its goals and objectives are considered. The concept and target condition of special events in the current activities of cultural institutions are defined, with special emphasis on the consideration of museum institutions. It was concluded that modern museum management and event marketing are at a transitional stage, which is characterized by qualitative development and growth of variability of the applied methodological instruments. Event communications as one of the most relevant and demanded technologies of marketing communications in the field of event management are becoming increasingly integrated with other areas of human activity ‒ combining different areas of culture, science, politics, social activity, etc. Their implementation was no longer for a "one-dimensional person", but was designed in a multidimensional framework based on universal human values and interests. With a lot of special events, the modern museum can reach a new emotional level of communication with the visitor, which makes communication more efficient, individualized, wider, and the brand of the organization or the image of the museum alive in the eyes of its target audience.
Keywords: event communications, event activity, special events, museum management, instruments of development of the museum, modern concept of the museum.
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