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Transformation of Morning TV Shows in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Structural Changes in the Broadcast of the Programme Live withKelly and Ryan on the American TV Channel ABC

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For citation: Gavra D.P., Fayzieva D.M. (2020) Transformacija utrennih teleshou v uslovijah pandemii koronavirusa: strukturnye izmenenija v jefire programmy Live with Kelly and Ryan na amerikanskom telekanale ABC [Transformation of morning TV shows in the face of the coronavirus pandemic: structural changes in the broadcast of the programme Live with Kelly and Ryan on the American TV channel ABC]. Mediaskop3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.7


© Dmitry P. Gavra

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Public Relations in Business, Institute ‘Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication’, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),

© Dilbar M. Fayzieva

Graduate of the PhD Programme at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The coronavirus pandemic caused changes in the way how television channels operate. This article provides results of the research on transformation of the popular Morning TV show "Live with Kelly and Ryan" (ABC) in the context of spread of COVID-19. The authors conducted a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of TV show releases during the pre-quarantine period and during the period of self-isolation. In total, 10 series including 37 episodes on the TV program website were analyzed. During the quarantine the anchors went on the air from their home. We saw anchors about 60% of the total airtime. The main structural elements are preserved: anchors, interviews, advertising, announcements, reports, stories. Among the changes that took place at the structural level, we can highlight: the emergence of new headings, an increase in the number of socially significant stories and the duration of interviews. The performances in the studio have been replaced by video calls with some musicians. During the self-isolation the overall tone of the show changes from entertaining to soothing and patient-friendly.

Keywords: morning show, live, television, format, COVID-19, quarantine.



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