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Use of Communication Capabilities of Internal Corporate Print Publications to Increase Staff Loyalty

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For citation: Volkova A.A. (2019) Ispol'zovanie kommunikatsionnykh vozmozhnostey vnutrikorporativnykh pechatnykh izdaniy dlya povysheniya loyal'nosti personala [Use of Communication Capabilities of Internal Corporate Print Publications to Increase Staff Loyalty]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.4


© Anna A. Volkova

PhD student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article considers the issue of communication demand of printed publications for staff under digitalization of media tools. On the example of internal corporate newspapers of the industrial segment, their communicative reserves in strengthening organizational loyalty are analyzed. The mutual influence of compositional-thematic content and visual-aesthetic factor of newspapers on the increase of corporate potential of publications is shown. The increase by 8.43% in the number of portrait photos in newspapers in the period 2016-2018 was revealed, increased discursiveness of the text of publications and feedback, which indicates the trend of forming employee loyalty by non-material methods. The importance of stability of rubrication of printed publications, use of announcements on the first page of newspapers of magazine format for simplification of navigation of readers on pages are emphasized. Recommendations on the use of group photos in a newspaper, on the formation of a holistic image of the print edition in the minds of the audience, and the increase in critical materials are proposed.

Keywords: internal communications, newspaper genres, photo illustrations, rubrication, stylistics of a text.



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