For citation: Zhigunov A.Yu. (2019) Na l'du i vo l'dakh: konstruirovanie mediaobraza Arktiki v SMI sovetskogo perioda [On the Ice: Constructing of Media Image of the Arctic in the Soviet Mass Media]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.6
© Anton Yu. Zhigunov
PhD student at the Chair of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),
The article is devoted to the main thematic dominants and key ideas of the research and development of the Soviet Arctic. The main aim of the article is to show how the media of 1930-1970 were representing instruments, opportunities, actions and results of these actions, and what was the role of the polar explorers at that time. The main methodological technic of this research were analysis, synthesis and comparison. Quantitative and thematic analysis were also used to categorize and indentify main words and expressions, that describes unprecedented peculiartities of the Arctic region image, full of heroism and ideological colors. At the conclusion of the article author shows diversified portrait of the region presented in media of the Soviet Union, containing synthesis of real severity of the Arctic, motives of her gain by men and also the promotion of importance of this zone for the country, making it as part of the national idea.
Keywords: Soviet media, the Arctic, media-image, ideological component.
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