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Coverage of the Stay of Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Vologda in 1918 in the Newspaper Vologodskiy Listok

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For citation: Shevtsov N.V. (2019) Osveshchenie prebyvaniya inostrannykh diplomaticheskikh missiy v Vologde v 1918 godu gazetoy «Vologodskiy listok» [Coverage of the Stay of Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Vologda in 1918 in the Newspaper Vologodskiy Listok]. Mediaskop3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.12



© Nikita V. Shevtsov

PhD in History, Head of the Department of the International Journalism, School of International Journalism, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia),



Having evacuated from Petrograd in March 1918, international diplomats refused to recognize new Russian authorities and chose Vologda as their place of residence. In February − July 1918, provincial press extensively reported about daily life of the diplomatic corps in the city. Local newspaper Vologodskiy Listok (Vologda Leaflet) featured most publications. Foreign diplomats used it to make their statements and share views about their relations with Soviet government. Vologodskiy Listok became a tribune for the western diplomats. Russia's principal media sometimes reprinted those diplomatic announcements from the provincial newspaper. However, in July after unsuccessful attempt of the high-ranking Soviet representative Karl Radek to convince the diplomatic corps to move out to Moscow, Vologoskiy Listok stopped all publications related to the international diplomats and soon the newspaper closed. Nevertheless, its publications during the time of the diplomatic corps stay in Vologda became an important page in the history of diplomatic correspondence.

Keywords: Vologda, Vologodskiy Listok, diplomatic correspondence



Ofitsial'naya perepiska Diplomaticheskogo korpusa v Vologde s Narodnym Komissariatom po Inostrannym Delam po voprosu o pereezde pervogo iz Vologdy v Moskvu, Vologda, iyul' 1918 g. [Official Correspondence of the Diplomatic Corps in Vologda with the People`s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs on the Issue of Moving of the Former from Vologda to Moscow. Vologda, July 1918].

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1277, February 28 (February 15).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1278, March 3 (February 18).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1280, March 7 (February 22).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1285, March 19 (March 6).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1295, April 11 (March 29).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1296, April 14 (April 1).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1298, April 18 (April 5).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1301, April 25 (April 12).

Vologodskiy listok. 1918, no. 1303, April 30 (April 17).




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