For citation: Kolomiets V.P. (2019) Mediakommunikatsiya v obrazovatel'nom kontekste [Media Communication in the Educational Context]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.2
© Viktor P. Kolomiets
Doctor of sociology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
In this paper, media-communication is presented as a new direction of training for media industry provided in Russian educational institutions. The analysis was carried out in three areas. The first one is based on presentations issued by universities that have already started to offer bachelor and master degrees in media-communication. An analysis of these presentations enabled us to formulate the initial ideas about media-communication that are incorporated into educational programmes of these universities. The motivation for starting this direction of training was identified. The typology of forms of organizing media-communication training was developed based on this analysis. The second area of the analysis is an industrial one. Here, media industry is considered as an employer for those who are being trained in the specialty of media-communication. Contemporary problems of media industry and some industrial requirements for university graduates are described. The third area includes educational competences that university graduates have mastered. Such components of the profession as creativeness, management, technologies are considered. The position of the studies about media in professional training of future professionals in media-communication is being specifically analyzed. The main conclusion of this research is as follows: successful training in media-communication is only possible when there is close unity between the industry and the universities.
Keywords: media-communication, media industry, studies about media, journalism, educational practices.
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