For citation: Malyshev A.A., Tyutina A.I. (2019) Kommunikativnaya model' «tsvet – smysl» v zagolovkakh zheltoy pressy: polikodovaya yazykovaya igra [Communicative Model "Color-Sense" in Headlines of the Yellow Press: the Polycode Language Game]. Mediaskop2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.10
© Alexander A. Malyshev
PhD in Philology, senior lecturer at the Chair of Medialinguistics, Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia),;
© Alexandra I. Tyutina
Graduate student at the Institute 'School of Journalism and Mass Communications', Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia),
The language game with the paragraphemic elements in headlines of the media texts is motivated customary as a rule by the orientation on the interaction with an internal form of the word. In case of the black-and-white printing editions and the Internet sources, this formation is based on special font registration of separate parts of the word. In case of the printed materials or of the full-color network representation the possibility of a polycode language game increases considerably and allows involving the reader in the qualitatively more interesting game with the decoding of the headline information. A reader of the "yellow" editions and tabloids is ordinary initially ready for entertainment and penetration into others life. Therefore, some parts of the headlines of the yellow press media are colored in different style (e.g. in pink by the news about glamorous life, in red and black by the news about death and criminal, in green by the news about nature, alcohol or drugs etc.). We observe the actual equality of visual and text components that generates the communicative model "the color – the sense" which probably is a special case of the general semantic theory "the sense – the text" by I. A. Melchuk.
Keywords: media linguistics, polycode text, headline, "the sense – the text" model, yellow press.
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