For citation: Shilina A.G. (2019) Spetsifika istochnikov informatsii v zhurnalistike dannykh [Specificity of Information Sources in Data Journalism]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.9
© Alexandra G. Shilina
PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University; analyst at the Crypto Venture Capital Paradigm Fund (Moscow, Russia),
This article presents the main results of the study of data journalism publications: specifics of information sources and the degree of autonomy of publications` authors. The hypothesis is being proved that the changes associated with the emergence of the phenomenon of big data in the mid-2010s, causing new ways of searching, processing, analyzing and presenting information, are not fully reflected in the data journalism publications, the use of such information sources in the leading press in 2014−2016 remains minimal – big data are not a mandatory component of publications. Also, big data are not necessarily collected, processed and analyzed by the journalists themselves. The results of the study correspond to proposed separation of "big data" in it accepted understanding, as huge databases and methods for processing them, and "quantitative data"— a hybrid type of data that is the basis of most data journalism publications, and also allows the author to distinguish between "data journalism" and "big data journalism".
Keywords: datification, big data, quantitative data, data journalism.
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