For citation: Kruglova L.A. (2019) Mediapotreblenie videokontenta tsifrovym pokoleniem [Media Consumption of Video Content by Digital Generation]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.1
© Lyudmila A. Kruglova
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Issues of transformation of media consumption in the digital age are getting one of the most important for both media practitioners and media theorists. In 2018, the department of television and radio broadcasting in the framework of the research project of the faculty of journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University began to work on the topic of transformation of content strategies of television in the digital environment. As part of this study, a local topic was identified and it was decided to analyze media consumption by different age groups. The authors of the article have developed a three-stage level, which allowed to analyze the motivational and psychological specifics of video consumption. At the last stage, there was identified a group of Moscow residents aged 20−24, representatives of generation Z − representatives of one of the key clusters of video consumers on the Internet. The results of the third stage are presented in this article. Quantitative and qualitative research strategies were practiced by the method of diary panels. The sample period was a random week from September 21 to 28, 2018; 20 diaries were selected (395 appeals to video content). In the codifier of questions, special attention was paid to the time slots for viewing video content, platforms where the video was embedded, timing, viewing time, motivation to view and the presence/attitude to built-in advertising. As a result of the study, it was possible to present an average portrait of a 'digital person' who 'sticks' in the evenings for hours on friends` stories on Instagram, on TV series and programs, without seeing advertising.
Keywords: media consumption, video content, digital generation, auditory behavior, video consumption.
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