For citation: Kutsepalova N.K. (2018) «Osnovnyye britanskiye tsennosti»: reaktsiya kachestvennykh izdaniy Velikobritanii ["Fundamental British Values": the Reaction of the British Quality Press]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.7
© Nadezhda K. Kutsepalova
PhD student of the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
The article is scrutinizing the attempts of modern British government to promote "fundamental British values" among citizens and how quality newspapers – The Guardian and The Independent – react to these attempts. The first part of the article describes the history of the term "fundamental British values". The second part is devoted to the analysis of this term in the articles published online in The Guardian and The Independent in 2005, 2011 and 2014 respectively. We analyzed how many eligible articles were published in the newspapers; what topics the journalists were interested in; which speakers were represented in the newspapers; whether or not the periodicals supported the idea of creation of "fundamental British values" definition and endorsed government policy. The analysis demonstrated that these newspapers have different strategies. The Independentalmost ignores the fundamental British values topic although the newspaper makes it obvious that they do not support neither the government actions nor the idea of introducing such a term itself. The Guardian, on the contrary, actively tries to create its own list of British values since it advocates the idea of unification but at the same time the newspaper does not see the government as a possible creator of such definition.
Keywords: unifying concepts, press, value regulation, Great Britain, "fundamental British values".
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