For citation: Nikitina E.A., Melnikova N.A., Nenevolina P.N. (2018) Kommunikativnyye tekhnologii regional'noy elektoral'noy kampanii 2016 g. v seti Internet [Communicative Technologies of the Regional Electoral Campaign of 2016 in the Internet]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2018.10
© Elena A. Nikitina
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Theoretic and Applied Linguistics of Dostoyevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),
© Natalia A. Melnikova
PhD in Philology, the head of the information policy department of Omsk State Technical University (Omsk, Russia),
© Polina N. Nenevolina
Master Candidate of the Philology and the Media Communications Faculty Dostoyevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),
The article is devoted to the studies of candidate's image creating communicative digital technologies during the 2016 electoral campaign of in Omsk. The work is interdisciplinary due to the current situation of institutionalization of PR as a science. The article analyzes communicative mechanisms of candidate's positioning and promoting in various social networks. The authors managed to prove that positioning strategy choice is determined by demands of a particular social network audience. As a representative of the opposition party, O. Denisenko who ran for the post of the mayor could not rely on of the support of regional media administrative resources. Therefore he had to use all possible digital channels. For each communication channel, a specific candidate positioning system was developed. The candidate's site was used as an information resource of the candidate's activities, it became possible for his potential voters to communicate with him online. A wide range of different social networks such as"Odnoklassniki", "VKontakte"', Instagram, Facebook, You Tube Twitter was used as a source of collecting feedback from the electorate, covering everyday events that were taking place in the candidate's headquaters. The needs and interests of the target audience of a particular network were taken into consideration. So usage of social networks in pre-election technologies allows to generate targeted content and to deliver it to personalized consumers.
Keywords: digital communications, electoral campaigns, social networks.
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