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Communication Aspects of Legitimizing Unpopular Political Decisions   For citation: Trokhinova O.I. (2018) Kommunikatsionnyye aspekty legitimatsii nepopulyarnykh politicheskikh resheniy [Communication Aspects of Legitimizing Unpopular Political Decision

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For citation: Trokhinova O.I. (2018) Kommunikatsionnyye aspekty legitimatsii nepopulyarnykh politicheskikh resheniy [Communication Aspects of Legitimizing Unpopular Political Decisions]. Mediaskop1. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.14


© Olga I. Trokhinova

PhD student at the Chair of Public Relations in Politics and State Management, Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),



 The unpopular political decision is a serious threat to the existence of political systems and the community. Some precedents have already shown this in modern Russian history. The unpopular political decision is understandable at the domestic level. Russian researchers are beginning to study this phenomenon from the point of view of politics and communication. The unpopular political decision can both influence the legitimacy of the government and become the driver for the development of civil society.

The article presents an overview of theoretical approaches to legitimizing a political solution, the term of unpopular political decision, attempts to classify communication technologies aimed at social recognition of an unpopular political solution. The introduction of the article contains theoretical prerequisites for studying the correlation between the legitimacy of the government power and political decisions. The first part of the article presents theoretical approaches to the study of an unpopular political solution. There are the author's definition of an unpopular political solution and the classification of communication technologies aimed at legitimation in the second part. The conclusions contain a draft author's scheme for legitimizing an unpopular political solution.

Keywords: legitimacy, unpopular political decision, communication technologies, decision-making.



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