For citation: Novak A.A. (2018) Povestka dnya v gosudarstvennykh i chastnykh izdaniyakh gorodov-millionnikov [Agenda-Setting in Governmental and Private Newspapers of Cities with Population over Million in Russia]. Mediaskop1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.13
© Anastasia A. Novak
PhD student at the Chair of Periodic Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article deals with the concept of the agenda, factors and actors, the degree of their influence on governmental and private newspapers of cities with population over one million. The ways of forming and deforming the content of publications have been also analyzed. Several tables show empirical results of content analysis of eight newspapers with different types of property (by locality, genres, publications, sources of information, position on the paper, topics). The similarities and differences in newspapers of different types of ownership, their format for submitting material, the thematic component have been inspected. In particular, author revealed the close proximity of private newspapers to society and consumer issues, and the role of state newspapers as representatives of countermeasures. Author also shows the ways of formalization and deformation of the content of the media on exact examples from analyzed newspapers.
Keywords: agenda, regional press, governmental and private newspapers, ways of forming the content of the media, the founders of newspapers.
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