For citation: Yanglyaeva M.M. (2018) Mediynoe izmerenie prostranstva: fenomen built environment [Media Space Measuring: Phenomenon of Built Environment]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.6
© Marina M. Yanglyaeva
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The material was prepared on the basis of the report presented at the meeting of the plenary session "Media Reality: Socio-Cultural Principles and Linguopragmatic Methods of Its Formation" at the 2nd International Scientific Conference "Language in Media Coordinates", held on July 2−6, 2017, at the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University.
Having used the basic concepts of media geography, the author analyzes how, with the help of modern mass media, constructing of a mental space and forming of a society for the purpose of long-term political projects of different countries take place. The author also focuses on the politics of memory as one of the examples of exploring the physical and mental space in terms of the information society.
Keywords: mass media, media geography, built environment, mental space, politics of memory.
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