For citation: Lapshina G.S. (2017) Otrazhenie na stranitsakh zhurnala «Morskoy sbornik» vzaimootnosheniy Rossii i Soedinennykh Shtatov v 1860-e gg. [US – Russian Relations' Coverage by the Morskoi SbornikMagazine in the 1860s]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:
© Galina S. Lapshina
PhD in philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),
The article analyses materials of the Morskoi sbornik (Marine Collection), one of the best Russian magazines in 1860s. Analyzed materials reflected important stage in the relations between Russia and the United States during the period from 1858 to 1866. The magazine broadly covered the visit of Russia's fleet to American shores, which was led by rear-admiral S. Lesovsky and appointed by rear-admiral I. Shestakov. The visit played a big role in preserving the unity and integrity of the United States during the Civil War. The Morskoi sbornik quoted enthusiastic responses of American printed media to these events. The article also analyzes a series of essays by I. Shestakov, "Between This and Then", which reflected the image of American society on the eve of the war between the North and the South.
Keywords: Morskoi sbornik (Marine Collection), S. Lesovsky, I. Shestakov, American Civil War, "Between This and Then".
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