For citation: Dzyaloshinsky I.M., Sharikov A.V. (2017) O sovremennom sostoyanii i dal'neyshem razvitii sfery kommunikatsionnykh nauk v Rossii [On Modern Condition and Future Development of the Sphere of Communication Sciences in Russia]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Iosif M. Dzyaloshinsky
Doctor of philology, Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, Media Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia),
© Aleksandr V. Sharikov
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, Media Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia),
The article deals with a number of issues concerning the sphere of communication sciences in Russia. The authors show that in modern Russian socio-cultural situation there is a dual existence of this sphere, which is caused by insufficient level of institutionalization. De jure, communication sciences in Russia are not recognized, de facto, they exist. There are quite a lot of research on communication problems, but they are referred to other scientific directions.
The article also shows that the field of communication research, considered as part of the social and humanitarian science, has a dualism. On the one hand, these studies are aimed at solving specific problems of society at a particular historical period. On the other hand, there are zones of common interests for all societies, among which at least two problem fields are distinguished: global communications and the search for communicative characteristics of a person common to all societies. In modern Russian communication studies there are two "continents" that intersect one another: a direction called "communicativistics" and another one referred to as "media communications". It is they who set the vectors for the further development of the sphere of communication research in Russia. Gradually the differentiated structure of the sphere of communication sciences is formed, which is due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their social adaptation. In the future, we should expect the development of the emerging differentiation of the sphere of communication sciences, their penetration into new areas of knowledge and activity.
Keywords: communication, communicativistics, media communication.
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