For citation: Pashaeva Y.F. (2017) Razlichiya i skhodstva mezhdu «pervymi» i «vtorymi» gorodskimi gazetami SshA [Differences and Similarities Between the First and the Second City Newspapers in the USA]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
© Yana F. Pashaeva
PhD Student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Editor at Radio Station "Kommersant FM", Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The author compares the leading and the second-largest-circulating newspapers in three U.S. cities, where competition between dailies still exists. The research represents the results of the content analysis of newspapers from Chicago, Boston and Los-Angeles. The purpose of study is to reveal how two major city dailies can both hold strong positions in a local market and to understand, if the one city really needs two competitive newspapers. The author examines the competition between broadsheets and tabloids (Chicago TribuneandChicago Sun-Times; Boston Globe and Boston Herald), as well as the competition between dailies of the same formats (broadsheets Los Angeles Timesand Los Angeles Daily News). Also the research shows how political views of newspapers affect the competition. There were analyzed around 2500 news stories. The author considers story topics, an origin of news, a geographical focus, genres, political orientation. As a result there were found a lot of content differences between two papers of one city. Competitive dailies share few stories − most of news they publish are different. Exclusive stories help them to stand out. At the same time readers get better local news coverage with having two dailies.
Keywords: American daily newspapers, competition, content analysis, broadsheet, tabloid.
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