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Le Monde diplomatique Newspaper: the Way to Independence

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For citation: Subbotin I.A. (2017) Gazeta «Mond diplomatik»: put' k nezavisimosti [Le Monde diplomatique Newspaper: the Way to Independence]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:


© Igor A. Subbotin

PhD Student at the Chair of  Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Staff Writer for the Section of International Politics at the Nezavisimaya Newspaper (Moscow, Russia),



The following research is dedicated to the history of a French monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique. One of the main subjects of this work is editorial and economic policy of the newspaper that leads to its unique position in French system of media. Development stages ofLe Monde diplomatique we analyzed make it possible to say about difficult way of the monthly newspaper − from simple supplement to the title with an independent editorial policy. The evolution of Le Monde diplomatique became possible after arrival of journalist Claude Julien to management. He implemented the content strategy which differed from the editorial line of «Le Monde». This strategy included publication of materials, which are characterized by a critical understanding of the social, political and economic problems in the world and in France also. In particular, C. Julien gaveLe Monde diplomatique impulse to start separating.

Keywords: Le Monde diplomatique, monthly newspaper, quality press, newspaper supplement, editorial line, transformation



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