For citation: Veshchikova I.A. (2017) Televizionnaya rech' v aspekte orfoepii: prostranstvo normy/pogranichnye yavleniya/oshibki [Orthoepic Aspect of TV Language: Norm Space/Borderline Phenomena/Mistakes]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
© Irina A. Veshchikova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Russian Language Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),
The article is prepared on the basis of the report presented at the panel discussion "Russian Language on TV", which took place during the scientific-practical conference "Learning to speak Russian. The issues of the Modern Language in Electronic Media". The conference was held at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, from 12 to 13 October 2016, with the support of The Federal Press and Mass Communications Agency.
The article discusses a range of issues relating to the principles of the device of media standard at the level of pronunciation, its relationship with the literary norm, as well as its place and role in the language situation of modern times. The empirical base of the study are the television texts of different genres and formats of two eras − Soviet and post-Soviet.
Keywords: TV Language, literary pronunciation norm, orthoepic media standard, codified versions, colloquial versions, normativity scale, orthoepic mistake.
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