For citation: Muronets O.V., Nedashkovskaya D.A. (2016) Tehnologii svjazej s obshhestvennost'ju v populjarizacii otechestvennyh dizajnerov [PR Technologies in Promotion of Domestic Designers]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Olga V. Muronets
PhD, Researcher at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Darya A. Nedashkovskaya
Media manager at Iskra Communication Buro, graduate of the bachelor degree programme at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article examines the main public relations' technology, used in the promotion of fashion brands, as well as it contains an attempt to systematize the key ways to popularize Russian designers. The authors examine the standard technologies that are used in the promotion in various fields, with an indication of the characteristics of their use regarding domestic fashion brands.
To trace the formation of the special tools of public relations, which is now a major instrument of promotion with designer brands, in the first part the authors refer to the history of fashion. In the second part, based on statistical data and survey results, the image of the designer brand is formed in the eyes of the modern consumer. Further, basing on the examples of specific brands, the article analyses separate technologies, namely media relations, work with opinion leaders, special events and PR-activity on the Internet. While analysing the real-life Russian brands authors use publicly available websites of Russian designer brands.
In conclusion the findings are formulated for each of these technologies, which are designed to help professionals working in the field of promotion of brands to use all the features of modern industry of public relations.
Keywords: public relations in fashion industry, promotion russian designers, media relation fashion brands, promotion designers in Internet, special events in fashion industry.
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