For citation: Radina N.K. (2016) Intent-analiz onlayn-diskussiy (na primere kommentirovaniya materialov internet-portala [Intention Analysis of Online Discussions (based on the example of comments on the materials of the Internet portal]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Nadezhda K. Radina
Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, The National Research University Higher School of Economics, (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),
In this article, basing on the commentary material of the Internet portal, online discussions on political issues are analyzed. A key research technique is a derivative of the assumptions formulated in the theory of speech acts by J. Austin.
A quantitative intention analysis based on a modified vocabulary for conflicting political discourse is used (the original dictionary was proposed by psycholinguists of the IP RAS). The total number of comments submitted in the analysis is 1580, the total number of intentions allocated on the basis of the analysis is 1627. The number of intentions exceeds the number of comments, since some comments were structurally complex and comprised several intentions.
It is concluded that the dominant direction of online commentators of political texts is the proposal of one's own picture of the world and suppression of competitors-commentators while maintaining the general context of communication. It is emphasized that such commenting is a local project of virtual self-assertion without the potential of real political activity.
Keywords: intention analysis, online comments, online discussion.
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