For citation: Gureeva A.N. (2016) Mediakommunikatsionnaya praktika rossiyskikh vuzov v novykh media: sotsial'nye seti [Media Communication Practice of Russian Universities in the New Media: Social Networks]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
© Anna N. Gureeva
PhD degree-seeking student, Researcher at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Today higher education institutions have to adapt to the peculiarities of modern media consumption and use all possible ways of promotion both in traditional and new media. Given the characteristics of the main target audience of high school − the youth, Russian higher educational institutions all actively explore a new kind of online communication − social networks. This type of digital media today is indispensable in working with both external and internal target audience of high education institutions and has a synergistic effect with respect to all other media communication directions. It should be noted that the work in this direction is still conducted by Russian universities chaotically and irregularly, often at the level of intuitive understanding of how to keep the profiles in social networks, and which social networks to choose. However, it should be noted that the coverage of the target audience through online media, and in particular social networks is steadily increasing, which is an indicator of the growth of attention to this modern kind of progress in the field of higher education. The aim of this work is to monitor quantitative indicators of social media: coverage of the target audience and the analysis of the dynamics in media communications in Russian universities' practice − the top 10 leaders, as well as determination of the list of the social networks leading in the educational sphere, the identification of the main problems in this work and the detection of a set of recommendations on the further development of this media communications direction.
Keywords: university, competitiveness, communication, media communication, social media, target audience, website, social media profile.
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