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Almanac "A Gift to the Poor" (1834) and the Gender Approach to Research on the History of Journalism

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For citation: Prokhorova I.E. (2016) Al'manakh «Podarok bednym» (1834) i gendernyy podkhod v istoriko-zhurnalistskikh issledovaniyakh [Almanac "A Gift to the Poor" (1834) and the Gender Approach to Research on the History of Journalism]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:


© Irina E. Prokhorova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article analyzes the first in the Russian Empire edition of the women's charitable society - almanac "A gift to the poor" (Odessa, 1834), which is still little studied but is of particular interest in gender perspective. From this point of view are discussed in detail the history of almanac's preparation and devoted to this problem correspondence  between Chairman of the women's charitable society E. Vorontsova and A. Pushkin, activist of this society R. Edling and poet and public officer V. Teplyakov.  Some archival materials of  letters of another activist of this society famous children's writer A. Zontag to I. Kireyevsky are published for the first time and, among other things, make it possible to answer the question about the editor of the almanac "A gift to the poor" (most likely, this function performed A.Sturdza).  Much attention is paid to gender-based analysis of almanac's design and content, and especially software articles by A. Sturdza (on the topics of private and public charity) and "On the Russian women-writers" by  I. Kireyevsky who declared to overcome patriarchal stereotypes in attitude toward women.

Keywords: almanac "A gift to the poor", women's charitable society as the publisher, gender perspective, Sturdza's charity discourse, Kireyevsky's article "On the Russian women-writers".



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