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Method of Heuristic Expertise of Media Project Design: the Experience of a Multidisciplinary Approach

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For citation: Bodrunova S.S., Yakunin A.V. (2016) Metod evristicheskoy ekspertizy dizayna mediaproekta: opyt mezhdistsiplinarnogo podkhoda [Method of Heuristic Expertise of Media Project Design: the Experience of a Multidisciplinary Approach]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:


© Svetlana S. Bodrunova

Professor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of Management in Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University, School of Journalism and Mass Communications (St. Petersburg, Russia),

© Aleksandr V. Yakunin

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Media Design and IT for Media, Saint Petersburg State University, School of Journalism and Mass Communications (St. Petersburg, Russia),



In today's research on web usability, eye tracking has become one of the most established means of usability assessment. At the same time, the majority of recommendations to young designers by design gurus circulate within the designer community passing from one generation to another empirically untested. At the same time, organizational web spaces that belong to large organizations grow bigger and demand more and more sophisticated and user-friendly design and navigation. In this paper, we discuss a possible quantitative measurement (indexing) of web page usability based on recommendations from some of the most renowned design and usability books and pre-test our usability index via eye tracking, our hypothesis being the following: pages with higher index perform better on eye tracking. We measure two traditional parameters via eye tracking, namely number and length of user glance fixations, and juxtapose the data with the index results for each page. Our results show that, indeed, the data tend to prove our hypothesis right, despite the small number of assessors.

Keywords: visual complexity, web design, usability, user experience, composite-graphic model, eye tracking.



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