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Alexander A. Malyshev

World rulers in Peter's the Great “Vedomosti” (1702–1727): stylistics of the sacred and profane

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Malyshev A. World rulers in Peter's the Great ‘Vedomosti’ (1702–1727): stylistics of the sacred and profane // Mediascope. 2021. 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2021.9


© Alexander A. Malyshev

Communicative Model “Color-Sense” in Headlines of the Yellow Press: the Polycode Language Game

Научные исследования: 

For citation: Malyshev A.A., Tyutina A.I. (2019) Kommunikativnaya model' «tsvet – smysl» v zagolovkakh zheltoy pressy: polikodovaya yazykovaya igra [Communicative Model "Color-Sense" in Headlines of the Yellow Press: the Polycode Language Game]. Mediaskop2. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.10


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