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Nadezhda N. Vol'skaya

The Clickbait as a Means of Making False Information in the Internet Communication

Научные исследования: 

For citation: Vol'skaya N.N. (2018) Klikbeyt kak sredstvo sozdaniya lozhnoy informatsii v internet-kommunikatsii [The Clickbait as a Means of Making False Information in the Internet Communication]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:

Markers of Intertextuality in a Creolized Media Text

Научные исследования: 

For citation: Vol'skaya N.N. (2017) Markery intertekstual'nosti v kreolizovannom mediatekste [Markers of Intertextuality in a Creolized Media Text]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian).

Assessment and Its Function in a Creolized Text Cartoons

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