For citation: Dorskii A.Y., Cherkashchenko T.A. (2016) GR-kommunikatsii v Internete: opyt postroeniya modeli [GR Communications in the Internet: Experience of Model Building]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
For citation: Rodina V.V.(2016) Sokhrannost' klyuchevogo soobshcheniya kak odin iz kriteriev otsenki effektivnosti kommunikatsionnoy kampanii [Integrity Key Message as a Metric in Communication Campaign Evaluation]. Mediaskop 4.
For citation: Sangare C.K. (2016) SMI Mali: struktura, obshchestvennaya znachimost' i tendentsii razvitiya [Mass Media of Mali: Structure, Social Significance and Development Trends]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
For citation: Volgin I.L. (2016) «Oboydya polovinu mira…» (Retsenziya na knigu: Gorodnitskiy A. Vdol' kraya planety: Poemy. SPb: Vita Nova, 2016) [«Having Gone Around Half of the World» (Book Review: Gorodnitsky A. (2016) Along the Edge of the Planet: Poems. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova Publ.). Mediaskop 4. Available at:
For citation: Morozova A.V. (2016) Reklama kak ob"ekt prakticheskoy estetiki [Advertising as an Object of Practical Aesthetics]. Mediaskop 4. Available at: