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Issue №3. 2020

Military Outpost or the Region of International Cooperation: Kaliningrad Region Media Images in Russian Mass Media over 2014−2018

Научные исследования: 


Russian Newspapers on the YouTube Platform: Interaction Experience

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Kruglova L.A. (2020) Rossijskie gazety na platforme YouTube: opyt vzaimodejstvija [Russian Newspapers on the YouTube Platform: Interaction Experience]. Mediaskop3. Available at:

Event Communications in Institutions of Culture: Experience of Museums

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Kornilova K.S., Vlasova M.N. (2020)  Sobytijnye kommunikacii v kul'turnyh institutah: opyt muzeev [Event Communications in Institutions of Culture: Experience of Museums]. Mediascope 3. Available at:

Social Media and Politics: Reinterpretating the Nature of Youth Political Participation

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Gureeva A.N., Dunas D.V., Muronec O.V. Social'nye media i politika: k voprosu o pereosmyslenii prirody politicheskogo uchastija molodezhi [Social Media and Politics: Reinterpretating the Nature of Youth Political Participation]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:

Institutional Aspects of Media Discourse on Innovative Policy

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Gromova T.M. (2020) Institucional'nye aspekty mediadiskursa ob innovacionnoj politike [Institutional Aspects of Media Discourse on Innovative Policy]. Mediaskop3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.6


Transformation of Morning TV Shows in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Structural Changes in the Broadcast of the Programme Live withKelly and Ryan on the American TV Channel ABC

Научные исследования: 


Word War II and Historical Memory: the Mental Landscape of Contemporary Europe

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Yakova T.S., Yanglyaeva M.M. Istoricheskaja  pamjat' o Vtoroj mirovoj vojne: sovremennyj mental'nyj landshaft Evropy [Word War II and Historical Memory: the Mental Landscape of Contemporary Europe]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.9


What Did F. Chizhov Hide in His Diaries?

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Pirozhkova T.F. Chto skryval F.V. Chizhov v dnevnikah? [What Did F. Chizhov Hide in His Diaries?]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.10


Peculiarities of the  Modern Regulation of Fake News: Russian and Foreign Experience

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Samorodova E.V. Osobennosti sovremennogo regulirovanija fejkovyh novostej: rossijskij i zarubezhnyj opy [Peculiarities of the Modern Regulation of Fake News: Russian and Foreign Experience]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.4


Media of the Crimean Peninsula: Geographical Specificity and Typological Features

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Zharovskij E.R. SMI Krymskogo poluostrova: territorial'naja specifika i tipologicheskie osobennosti [Media of the Crimean Peninsula: Geographical Specificity and Typological Features]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.2

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