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PR text as a Tool of Territorial Image Making in Times of Crisis

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For citation: Pulkina V.A. (2016) PR-tekst kak instrument territorial'nogo imidzhmeykinga v period krizisa [PR text as a Tool of Territorial Image Making in Times of Crisis]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:


© Victoria A. Pulkina

Doctoral student at the Department of Public Relations in Business, St. Petersburg State University, Assistant at the Chair of Public Relations, Ukhta State Technical University (Ukhta, Russia),



Written communications, in particular PR texts are an important part of the territorial image making. In this article we will consider the text as a special kind of information carrier − PR-information − and as a means of communication.

PR text in the territorial image making is a text on paper or electronic medium, which reflects in the optimized form significant facts about the area, its identity, designed to create and maintain a positive image of the city, region, country in the minds of specific target audiences.

PR texts in crisis communication serves the following functions:

1. Provide an operational link with the target audience;

2. Help to transmit the official version of what is happening;

3. Allow to maintain a positive public opinion of the base PR-subject;

4. Maintain a trusting relationship with community groups;

5. Provide information support for special events.

PR text in crisis communications is a text containing an optimized and relevant information of the base PR subject and the crisis, aimed at the prompt resolution of the problem in order to maintain a positive image. Thus, PR text is one of the tools of communication to different target audiences and performs a number of functions that affect the image of the territory.

Keywords: crisis, crisis communications, image of the territory, PR text, genre of PR texts.



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