For citation: Gikis S. Informational occasion in the context of contemporary news journalism // Mediascope. 2024. 1/ Available at:
© Svetlana N. Gikis,
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Media Communications and Public Relations, Pyatigorsk State University (Pyatigorsk, Russia),
Modern conditions of increased interest to the mass audience in news content contribute to further development and enrichment with new categories of the news journalistic system as a whole. The article is devoted to the study of newsbreak within the framework of the news journalism theory in connection with the development of integrated information space. The author aims to systematize the scientific research of theorists and practitioners in the field of journalism and public relations conducted in the period from 2000 to 2021 and to identify the essential features and attributes of an information occasion in the modern media system, its relationship with the categories of "news" and "information". Content analysis allows us to define a newsbreak as a basis for creating a media product that contains an indication of the situation, which is in demand among the general public (journalists and including media editorial offices), is relevant in terms of time, generates interest and the need for interpretation, commenting and further mentioning, which will contribute to the development of new topics and, thus, the emergence of new journalistic materials.
Keywords: newsbreak, news, information, news journalism.
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