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Hyperlocality as an essential feature of internal corporate media

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For citation: Yudina E.Hyperlocality as an essential feature of internal corporate media // Mediascope. 2023.2. Available at:


Evgeniya Yu. Yudina

Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Media Production, Faculty of Journalism, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia),



With a wide range of interpretations of the concept of "corporate press", the role assigned to it in the modern media system is common - to be a media project with an image component of the company, aimed at the target audience and allowing you to build communications with it. Despite the developed theory of corporate media, this research approach does not exhaust all the features of such publications and can be improved in order to identify new patterns, prospects and limitations of publications of this type. In the intra-corporate media selected for the study, their typological features were established through the analysis of formal and type-forming features, the geography of publications, the availability of personalized information, and the composition of the authors. The author comes to conclusion that in the materials of newspapers there is a binding to space (location), the produced content actually "materializes" the symbolic capital of the place - a corporation that has its own picture of the world, geographical boundaries, spatial dimension, which allows us to consider intra-corporate media as a hyperlocal part of the media system.


Keywords: hyperlocal media, corporate press, media system, symbolic capital, typological characteristics



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