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Regional news in the federal agenda (case of the TASS Russian News Agency)

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For citation: Sinyakova (Slabkovskaya) E. Regional news in the federal agenda (case of the TASS Russian News Agency) // Mediascope. 2023. 2. Available at:


© Ekaterina A. Sinyakova (Slabkovskaya)

PhD student at the Chair of Digital Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article raises the problem of the imbalance of the agenda in Russia, which is characterized by an excess of news at the federal level and a shortage of local information. Based on the materials of the TASS agency, the author analyzes the inclusion of news from the regions of the Russian Federation in the federal agenda. Content analysis allowed to obtain data on the participation of all eight federal districts in the formation of the federal agenda, as well as on the frequency of appearance of various locations on regional information channels. The author concludes that the regional editorial policy of TASS aimed at active integration of regional and federal agendas, has, on the one hand, natural limitations in the form of socio-economic inequality of territories, on the other – receives more active implementation due to the political factor in the regions that are in the zone of special attention of the government.


Keywords: news agency, agenda, news, newsworthy information, gatekeeping, regions, locality



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