For citation: Kaminchenko D. Media consumption of modern student youth: political aspect // Mediascope. 2022. 3–4. Available at:
© Dmitry I. Kaminchenko
PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at the Chair of Applied Political Analysis and Modeling, Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),
The article studies the features of media consumption of political and news content by the modern Russian youth. The results of study showed that political themes belong to the most popular ones among the student audience. It was established that among this thematic content the most people’s attention was attracted by news of domestic policy of Russia. Moreover, according to the participants of the survey, a person is interested first in news headlines, the subject of which directly concerns his/her interests.
Key words: Internet, news content, media consumption, political news, survey, analysis, net communication
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