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Features of business models and dynamics of the financial state of British quality publications in 2016-2020

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For citation: Filatkina G., Kireeva P. Features of business models and dynamics of the financial state of British quality publications in 2016-2020 // Mediascope, 2022. 2. Available at:


© Gelia S. Filatkina

PhD in Philology, associate professor at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),

© Polina A. Kireeva

Master’s student, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article examines business strategies used by the leading quality British newspapers such as The Times, The Telegraph and The Guardian in the digital environment, describes the dynamics of their financial state in 2016-2020, as well as identifies their key risks and plans for further business development. In the introductory part, the authors justify the relevance of the study of business strategies and the financial situation of the British quality press. Then the authors present the theoretical framework of the study, clarifying the meaningы of the relevant concepts and make a brief historical overview of the British press market in the 21st century. The presentation of the research results is preceded by a clarification of the methodological tools. The research allowed the authors to conclude about the mixed nature of business models of the British quality newspapers and highlight the key trends in their market strategies.

Keywords: business model, quality British press, turnover, profit, risks.



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