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UGC as an instrument of forming a reliable picture of the world in the traumatic events description

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For citation: Koroleva  M. UGC as an instrument of forming a reliable picture of the world in the traumatic events description // Mediascope, 2022. 2. Available at:


© Maria N. Koroleva

Lecturer at the Chair of Digital Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),



In the article on the material about traumatic events in 2018-2020, the issue of integrating UGC into professional journalists` texts is considered. A content analysis of 855 media texts on three topics, each corresponding to one of the types of stressogenic events (a fire in the ‘Zimniaya vishnya’ (winter cherry) shopping center in Kemerovo city, the flooding and a series of subsequent floods in the Irkutsk region, the coronavirus pandemic), published in three popular Russian online media (,, was conducted. Journalistic and hybrid materials (containing UGC) were studied. In the framework of the study, an assumption was made about a higher level of factoid information in journalistic texts comparing with hybrid texts and UGC, since the content of non-professionals is used by journalists when describing traumatic events mainly for illustrative purposes. The data obtained during the coding were subjected to probabilistic and statistical information processing procedures with the use of SPSS IBM Statistics software package. The results of our study have shown statistically significant differences between professional and hybrid texts, as well as between journalistic texts and the non-institutional authors` content regarding the presenсe of factoid information.


Key words:online media, UGC, traumatic events, factoids, credibility



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