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Professional and ethical violations in the media representation of the problems of people with disabilities

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For citation: Istomina K. Professional and ethical violations in media representation of the problems of people with disabilities // Mediascope, 2022. 2. Available at:


© Ksenia D. Istomina

PhD student at the Chair of Digital Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),



The author investigates ethical violations in the domestic press in relation to people with disabilities. In the context of attention to the problems of social inclusion, the practice of four all-Russian newspapers and two specialized outlets for the deaf is studied on the example of a community of people with hearing impairments. Statistical, documented and theoretical sources are presented, which are used as the basis for empirical research. The article contains the results of analysis that covered a three-year time period – a total of 1146 journalistic texts. The author attempts to identify the causes of violations, assesses them in the context of the processes of humanization of media knowledge, and suggests solutions.


Key words: social inclusion, people with disabilities, deaf community, professional and ethical violations.



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