For citation: Fedotova N. Understanding journalism in the Belarusian educational discourse: Soviet and post-Soviet experience // Mediascope, 2022. 2. Available at:
© Natalia A. Fedotova
PhD in Philology, Head of the Chair of Medialogy, Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus),
The article discusses the trends in understanding journalism that are relevant to the Belarusian educational discourse in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Based on the material of educational literature, the author argues that the understanding of journalism of the Soviet period gravitated towards literary and publicistic nature, which created a literary-centric bias in the teaching of journalism and consolidated the concept of “journalism of opinions”. The post-Soviet understanding of journalism was focused on standards of reliability and impartiality, which shifted the priorities of Belarusian journalism education towards the social sciences. A comparative study of the educational discourses of Belarus and Russia made it possible to establish conceptual differences in the understanding of journalism and to fix the uniqueness and peculiarity of the national journalism of the two countries.
Keywords: journalism, Faculty of journalism of Belarusian State University, educational discourse, national model of journalism
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