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Social projects of local media: features of subjective-objective relations

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For citation: Gatilin A. Social projects of local media: features of subjective-objective relations // Mediascope. 2021. 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2021.3


© Alexander S. Gatilin

PhD student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), e-mail:



The article examines the phenomenon of journalists’ participation in solvation of social problems. Many editors of local mass media are looking for new ways of increasing audiences, and attracting the youth. Implementation of social projects, which involve citizens in tackling current problems of local communities, has become one of the successful ways of interacting with readers. Despite the wide spread of the concepts of public, citizens, participatory and social journalism, social projects by mass media remain insufficiently researched. The author presents the results of a content analysis of descriptions of 126 social projects of Russian local media. Interactions between journalists and the audience are examined. The results of the study suggest that social initiatives can become a significant tool for involving citizens in solving social problems, which, in turn, will help local media survive and develop local communities.

Key words: civil society, public journalism, participatory journalism, local community, local media, social project, social activity.



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