For citation: Gureeva A.N. Theoretical issues of social and political values of modern Russian youth in the social media discourse // Mediascope. 2021. 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2021.6
© Anna N. Gureeva
PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
At present, the political system of Russian society is functioning relatively stable, the normative and informal practices of interaction between political institutions and actors have been formed and worked out to a large extent. In the non-institutional segment of politics, the situation is somewhat different. The mentioned contradictions make the study of the modern system of socio-political values actual for the political practice.
Socio-political values are in a certain dependence on the life needs of the individual and are determined by them. Thus, what is valuable for a person is what he or she does not quite lack.
Modern Russian youth is the most vulnerable part of Russian society in terms of the level of influence of various external and internal threats. The political, economic, spiritual and cultural transformations taking place in the country and the world have a powerful impact on the formation of the personality of young citizens and the formation of their values. The study of socio-political values of youth and society as a whole has been carried out in Russian and foreign science for quite a long time from different theoretical and methodological positions: philosophical, cultural, sociological, political, psychological. However, recent research in political science, psychology and media communication has shown that the younger generation is largely oriented towards the values of self-expression and self-actualisation, using a predominantly media communication space rather than the real communication space. The media as the main platform for the political socialisation of today's youth has obvious value-forming potential; it significantly influences the forms and directions of integration behavior and lifestyles of the younger generation.
Key words: media, communication, media communication, mass media, Internet, social media, social networks, content, communication channel, society, youth, politics, mediatization of politics, social and political values, state.
The study is carried out with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Expert Institute for Social Research within the framework of the scientific project № 21-011-31701]
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