For citation: Konkina (Philippova) K. News continuum: conceptual structuring // Mediascope. 2021. 2. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2021.7
© Kseniya M. Konkina (Philippova)
PhD student at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article is devoted to the news area. Mediatization has changed social life as well as the news area, which is an interconnected and indivisible space today. Within this area, news can be either interconnected or disparate. The news area consists of a continuous variety of media texts. Diversification of the news and competition among broadcasters complicates news structure. Therefore, news is not a primitive form of information.
The transformation sets the problem of interpreting news and the news area. In this paper, the main trends related to the news area are examined. Based on a review of theoretical conceptions and empirical research, the author makes an attempt to comply with news classification. The classification is constructed from the main news trends that have been specified by researchers.
Keywords: news, news area, mass communication, fake news, agenda-setting.
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