For citation: Makarina A., Markelova K. Features of the use of native advertising in modern Russian-language online publications // Mediascope. 2021. Issue 1. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2021.9
@ Anastatia A. Makarina
Lomonosov Moscow State University alumnus, Bachelor of Journalism, Master student at Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia),
@ Kirill V. Markelov
Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Lomonosov MSU branch campus in Sevastopol (Russia),
The article defines native advertising, determines its correlation with other types of advertising, identifies the features of its use in modern Russian online publications, and describes the trends of its evolution in the Russian media space. The study showed a steady increase in the number and variety of formats of this type of advertising in Russian-language online publications, which indirectly indicates its greater effectiveness compared with the most common banner advertising on the Internet.
Key words: online publication, effectiveness of advertising, banner advertising, indirect advertising, native advertising
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