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Pedagogical Ideas of N. Novikov and Their Place in the Area of Educational Views of the Second Half of XVIII Century

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For citation: Cherepneva L.M. (2020) Pedagogicheskie idei N.I. Novikova i ih mesto v srede [[prosvetitel'skih vozzrenij vtoroj poloviny XVIII stoletija [Pedagogical Ideas of N. Novikov and Their Place in the Area of Educational Views of the Second Half of XVIII Century]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2020.9


@ Ljudmila M. Cherepneva

PhD Student at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article is focused on the analyzing of the pedagogical views, expressed by N. Novikov – a famous Russian publisher, journalist and educationist. Our main target was to examine these ideas not only as Novikov’s educational concept, but as a part of the package of educational and enlightening ideas, that had been developed in the second part of the XVIII century. As far as we focused on the humanistic pedagogical approach, our dominant problem was to compare two educational concepts – by I. Betskoy and by N. Novikov – in order to understand their similarities and differences. So, the main researching method, which we used, was a comparative analysis. The choice of Betskoy’s works, that we made, was not a random one. We found that very interesting to compare these two enlightening systems (by Betskoy and by Novikov) due to the fact that they were very characteristic. The first conception had been developed with the support of the Russian empress Catherine the Great, while the second had been private. This condition predetermined their focuses on the different audiences. In our opinion, that was important to understand, that, despite the observed circumstances, the mentioned educational concepts appeared to be ideologically close.

Keywords: Magazine ‘Pribavlenie k Moskovskim vedomostyam ’, N. Novikov, I. Betskoi, Russian pedagogics, pedagogical idea.



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