For citation: Serebryany R.A. (2020) Jazykovye sredstva reshenija problemy professional'noj jetiki v Zajavlenii SZhR [Language Means of Promoting the Norms of Professional Ethics in the Statement of the Union of Journalists of Russia]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Roman A. Serebryany
PhD student at the Chair of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, People`s friendship University of Russia, Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Moscow, Russia),
The article is devoted to the study of the genre of the statement of the Union of Journalists of Russia in terms of its compliance with the general requirements for a journalistic media text and the implementation of its journalistic functions. The author raises the problem of the significance of the statement of the Union of Journalists of Russia in terms of supporting professional ethical standards in the journalistic environment. Considering specific samples, the author points out their similarity with journalistic media texts in terms of goals, objectives, functions, structural components and their interaction in the text. The author identifies certain linguistic and stylistic means, among which he distinguishes evaluative vocabulary, emotionally colored colloquial syntax, oxymoron, contrasts, rhetorical questions, etc. The author believes that with the help of such linguistic and stylistic means, the application of the UJR forms a stable negative attitude towards violators of the Code of Professional Ethics of a Russian journalist. The author notes that a statement by the Union of Journalists of Russia can be an effective means of drawing attention to corporate solidarity and a direct call for corporate ethics. As a result of the analysis of the texts, the author comes to the conclusion that the genre originality of the UJR statement should include the dominance of the function of forming and supporting the value orientations of the professional community, as well as the organizational and incentive function.
Keywords: Union of Journalists of Russia, journalism, Code of Professional Ethics of Russian journalists, journalistic media text, linguistic and stylistic means.
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