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Migration Crisis in Germany: Shift to a New Stage (on the materials of ‘Der Spiegel’ journal)

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For citation: Islanova J.R. Migracionnyj krizis v Germanii: perehod na novuju stadiju (po materialam zhurnala Spiegel) [Migration crisis in Germany: shift to a new stage (on the materials of ‘Der Spiegel’ journal)]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2020.3


© Julia R. Islanova

Lecturer at the Chair of Media Linguistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The present article is the analysis of the materials in the German weekly news magazine “Der Spiegel” published in 2017‒2018 and devoted to migration issue in Germany. It is stated that despite the fact the number of migrants and refugees has decreased in the recent years, it cannot be assumed that the migration crisis is over. Instead of problems with the huge number of incoming migrants in 2013‒2016, the German authorities and society face other difficulties, such as integration of the newcomers, choice of migration policy direction, work with underage migrants, fight against crime among migrants etc. The author comes to conclusion that despite all these difficulties the German society experience, which is reflected in the materials of “Der Spigel”, the editorial Board of the magazine adheres to an optimistic point of view, and considers that a solution to the migration crisis can be achieved through negotiations, mutual respect and the desire to preserve a democratic society.

Keywords: migration crisis, “Der Spiegel”, Germany, integration, migrants.



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